翻墙:http://tinyurl.com/3e3k442 全文:http://is.gd/1SzG66 【新唐人2012年3月2日讯】因涉嫌组织出卖人体器官的器官贩子、手术医生等16人,近期被北京海淀区检察院起诉。16名犯罪嫌疑人摘取51枚肾脏器官,出卖后获利1000多万元。不过令人惊讶的是,这个组织有完整的一条龙作业流程。而调查发现,大面积的器官移植来源于中共对法轮功学员的迫害。 据报导,器官贩子一条龙的从寻找、供养卖肾人员,联络肾买家,到承租医院、别墅手术摘肾等,有完整的一套器官移植流程。 据调查,仅在2010年3月至12月间,器官贩子在江苏省某县医院和北京的临时处所,手术摘取了51枚活体肾脏,获利超过1000万元。 最近,中国器官移植黑幕不断被曝光:几天前,一个小伙子昏迷四天后醒来,竟发现自己左肾被盗,身上多了两万元,事情发生在广东东莞;而《财经网》也报导了湖南郴州198医院为黑市手术提供场所,从事黑市肾移植的消息。 北京律师莫少平表示,器官移植必须在法律规定的程序指导下进行,否则就是违法,就是犯罪。但由于利润非常丰厚,所以很多人铤而走险。 北京律师莫少平:〝第一个,他肯定有社会上这种需求,它才会出现这么一种现象;第二个,原来的法律、法规,它本身不规范,或者它有空白的地方、有可钻空子的地方;第三个,具体的执法部门它本身监管是不到位的。所以他才出现这种情况。〞 目前,中国已经成为世界第二大器官移植国家,但由于没有建立器官捐献体系,加上监管不力、法律法规缺失,巨额的利益导致地下器官买卖黑市非常猖獗。 〝追查迫害法轮功国际组织〞负责人汪志远:〝盗卖人体、活摘器官,这是中共自己自己搞起来的。由于它搞起来,所培养的这些下面这些人啊,他就什么都干了,这是一方面。再一个,因为中共活摘法轮功器官,这个事情被暴露出来了,那么全世界都注目这事情,那么为了转移视线,中共抓民间这些贩卖器官这些事情。〞 2009年,加拿大人权律师大卫.麦塔斯和加拿大前国会议员大卫.乔高出版了《血腥的活摘器官》一书。书中记录搜集了中共活摘器官证据,从而证实中国确实存在系统性的活摘器官,也揭发了中共在灭绝法轮功的迫害中竟有骇人听闻的〝人体超市〞。 2011年,英国独立调查者、《失去新中国》一书的作者伊森.葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)也披露了中共盗摘人体器官调查的新证据。葛特曼表示,根据调查和推算,约64581位法轮功学员被中共摘取了器官。他表示,这样的行径就是大面积的谋杀,他说〝这是罪恶中的罪恶!〞 汪志远:〝 修炼法轮功这样的好人,他们竟然那样活体摘取器官,在政府的纵容和支持下去做这些事情,必然会培养出一大批违法乱纪。〞 汪志远认为,自从中共批判法轮功,并且超越一切法律迫害法轮功学员,导致社会道德极快衰退。现在中国社会人伦道德下滑,已经到了没有底线的程度,所以什么都敢干。他建议,全世界都起来谴责中共、解体中共,才能从根本上解决中国问题。 新唐人记者易如、宋风、萧宇采访报导。 ***************** One-Station Service of Kidney Transplants in China 16 organ traffickers including surgeons were recently sued by Beijing Haidian District Procuratorate. The 16 suspects had removed 51 kidneys for sale, and had earned a profit of over RMB 10 million. The kidney ring reportedly provided a one-station service. The tidy organ transplants stem from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, further investigations have revealed. Organ traffickers have reportedly provided a one-station service. The entire process ranges from seeking kidney donors, and contacting buyers to hospital leasing and actual removal surgery. An investigation revealed that, in a stretch from Mar.-Dec. 2010, 51 kidneys were removed from live donors in a specific county in Jiangsu and in a provisional facility in Beijing. The 51 kidneys were sold for a profit of over RMB 10 million. Recently, frequent news reports of organ transplants have been issued. A few days ago, a young man found his left kidney missing after waking up from a four-day coma in a hospital in Dongguan, Guangdong. The website Caijing.com.cn has reported that the No.198 Hospital in Binzhou, Hunan, has engaged in black-market kidney transplants. Mo Shaoping, a prominent human rights lawyer in Beijing, says that all organ transplants should be done under legal provisions. Otherwise the practice must be deemed a crime. Yet the tidy profit lures many people into taking risks. Mo Shaoping(Lawyer, Beijing), "Firstly, society has a demand for organs, thus giving rise to the phenomenon. Secondly, the existing laws and regulations governing transplantation are unsound, or they have loopholes that can be taken advantage of. Thirdly, the real-world law enforcement agencies lack supervision in this area." China is the world's second largest organ transplant country. The nation has not yet been seen to set up an organ donation system, and lacks oversight and specific laws and regulations for governing such a system. A huge amount of interest in the profits to be made has produced a thriving underground organ trade in China. Wang Zhiyuan, director of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) says that, "Undercover sales of human body parts and organ harvesting techniques were all activities which were originally initiated by and engaged in by the CCP. So all of its officials can be seen as thugs who are involved in the practice at every level. Secondly, the CCP's organ harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners has been exposed to the world. In order to divert public attention from the issue, the regime has begun to report issues like the organ theft racket in society at large." In 2009, former Canadian MP David Kilgour and Human Rights Lawyer David Matas published their book— Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs The book records evidence of the CCP's organ harvesting, which confirms the existence of systematic organ harvesting in China. Meanwhile, the data discloses the appalling inside story of the CCP's "human supermarket" in its genocide of Falun Gong. Ethan Gutmann, an American independent researcher and author of the book "Losing the New China", has revealed new evidence of the CCP's organ harvesting. According to Gutmann's surveys and estimation, about 64,581 Falun Gong practitioners are believed to have had their organs removed. Gutmann views the CCP's act as mass murder, "This is the evil of sin!", "This is the evil of evils" he said. Wang Zhiyuan said: "They even removed living organs from such kind people as those who cultivate Falun Gong. The regime has long condoned and backed up the practice. No wonder it breeds piles of malfeasant officials." Wang Zhiyuan says that China's social morality has quickly decayed since the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. In today's China, ethical principles and morality have fallen beneath the bottom line. Wang has called for the world's condemnation of this terrible situation and for increased efforts to be made to up the disintegration of the CCP. That is the only way out to essentially solve China's problems, says Wang. NTD reporters Yi Ru, Song Feng and Xiao Yu 2012-03-02 07:18:08 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/03/02/a666926.html.-【】人体器官黑市兴隆-一条龙作业.html RSS全文订阅中国,不翻墙看禁网,SSL全程加密,安全可靠方便 | Email订阅 本文标签:人权, 法轮功 【禁闻】人体器官黑市兴隆 一条龙作业 |