翻墙:http://tinyurl.com/3e3k442 全文:http://is.gd/1SzG66 【新唐人2012年3月14日讯】中共两会终于要结束了,不堪其扰的北京市民松了一口气。这个年年春天都会来临的所谓〝参政议政〞大会,从来没有为中国百姓带来任何实质性的好处,被中国学者认为,〝对不起春天〞。作家杨恒均3月13号在社交网上发文,总结两会:创造了世界记录—-(就是)63年来没有出现一个通不过的议案。杨恒均写道∶两会是为了监督政府,阻止政府办坏事,可执政者63年的任何决定与作为,都被代表与委员们热烈通过。还开这种会干啥?他想出一句献词—-〝世界上最成功的失败!〞送给两会。 《法国国际广播电台》3月13号报导,法国《解放报》对中共官方媒体《环球时报(英文版)》发表的一项调查表示关注。报导称,根据《环球时报》对全中国1010位具代表性人物进行的一项罕见民调显示,有63%的受访者希望中国实行西方式民主。调查还显示,15.7%的民众希望中国一党专制的制度立即或尽快结束。法国《解放报》对此评论说,这一颠覆性的民调结果只用英文发表,无论是《环球时报》中文版还是其他们报纸都没有走漏一个字,《环球时报》记者显然是冒着被中共宣传机构严厉惩罚的风险,这同时也显示中共内部拥护与反对真正政治改革的分歧。 中国良心律师高智晟在中共的关押下已经失踪1,118天。 3月12号,纽约各界人士在联合国总部前集会,呼吁尚存良知的人们,向中共施压,营救高智晟。集会者表示,中共对高智晟的迫害就是对中国14亿人的迫害,如果大家都不关注高智晟,早晚我们自己会被迫害到。 而在最近,中国罢工事件频繁发生,仅3月12号一天之内,广东东莞就连续发生了两起。上午,是厚街镇公交车司机集体罢工,抗议两天前一名司机被乘客殴打,警察处理不当。下午,十多名治安警察也走上街头,高呼口号,罢工游行,抗议待遇不公。由于警察罢工还不多见,罢工队伍引起众多路人围观。 Writer: Two Sessions are "The World's Most Successful Failure" The two sessions of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) will soon be coming to an end. The "political" meetings which are held every Spring, have never brought any substantial benefit to the Chinese people. Chinese scholars have described them as a "spring sadness". On March 13, writer Yang Hengjun posted online his comment on the two sessions: he called them the creation of a world record. That is, over 63 years, never has any proposal been rejected. Yang wrote, "the two sessions are supposedly held to supervise the government, to prevent the government from wrong doing. Yet over 63 years, all the ruler's decisions have been warmly approved of by the deputies and members. Then what's the significance of holding such conferences?" Yang gives his congratulatory message to the CCP's two sessions —– "the world's most successful failure". Radio France International reported an infrequent poll presented to 1,010 representative figures in China. 63% of respondents want to see the implementation of a Western-style democracy in China. A ratio of 15.7 expressed hopes that China's one-party autocracy could end immediately or as soon as possible. French newspaper Liberation commented that this subversive poll result was only released in English. While the Chinese version of Global Times or other newspapers did not leak even one word of it. The Global Times reporter obviously run the risk of being severely punished by the CCP's propaganda organs. This also shows the CCP's internal divergence between supporting and opposing real political reform, said the French review. Captured by the CCP, China's lawyer of conscience Gao Zhisheng has now been missing for a total of 1,118 days. On March 12, in New York people from all sectors of society gathered in front of the UN headquarters. They called for kind people everywhere to exert pressure on the CCP to help rescue Gao Zhisheng from his "disappearing." Attendees say that the CCP's persecution of Gao Zhisheng is the same one that is committed against 1.4billion Chinese. If no one is concerned about Gao Zhisheng, sooner or later we will all be persecuted one day. China has recently seen frequent outbreaks of strikes. On March 12 alone, two consecutive strikes broke out in Dongguan, Guangdong province. In the morning, bus drivers in Houjie town staged a strike. They protested local police's inappropriate handling of a battery by passengers of a bus driver that had taken place a few days earlier. In the afternoon, over a dozen Public Security police took to the streets, chanting slogans. They had stopped work to protest unfair payment. That the police should strike is so unusual that it attracted many passers-by and onlookers. 2012-03-14 06:36:28 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/03/14/a672447.html.-【】作家:两会是世界上最成功的失败.html RSS全文订阅中国,不翻墙看禁网,SSL全程加密,安全可靠方便 | Email订阅 相关文章: 本文标签:政治改革, 民主, 高智晟 【禁闻】作家:两会是世界上最成功的失败 |