翻 墙:http://tinyurl.com/3e3k442 全文:http://is.gd/1SzG66 【新唐人2012年4月28日讯】26号,台湾《联合报》一篇关于薄熙来事件内幕的报导说,签署逮捕薄熙来的人,〝是政治局常委胡锦涛、习近平与周永康,执行者是周永康。〞内容导向周永康在配合胡温做事。对此,分析人士质疑,这条消息是中共方面故意放料?还是台湾媒体有什么难言之处,以致于出现这样违背基本事实的新闻?另外,中共在台湾花钱〝买新闻〞,也被立法委员提出质询。大众传播学者认为,中共花钱买新闻的统战手法是欲盖弥彰,因为台湾的言论自由让真相无所遁形。下面一起去了解详细情形。 4月26号,台湾《联合报》一篇有关〝薄熙来案最内幕〞的文章说,〝周永康是中央指定的重庆重案中央领导小组组长〞,〝他所有行动,都来自中共中央胡、习的授意。〞不过,《纽约时报》报导,周永康是唯一一个反对调查和处理薄熙来的人,而《朝日新闻》、《美联社》、《金融时报》、《每日电讯报》等国际媒体,都报导了关于周永康遭到调查的消息。 对此,美国〝乔治梅森大学〞教授章天亮发表文章表示,《联合报》的这篇报导太离谱,以至于违背了基本事实和逻辑。另外,镜头上我们看到,台湾立委拿出〝2012福建省长访台宣传计划书〞,点名《中国时报》,在福建省长苏树林3月底访台期间做的报导,通通都是〝置入性〞新闻。他进一步公布记者和福建省厦门市新闻处长陈相华的录音对话内容,证明中共官员的确有花钱买新闻。 对于中共透过在台湾〝买新闻〞的方式,试图影响台湾社会,台湾立委要求陆委会,要好好管一管中共控制媒体的这只黑手,因为他们已经伸到海峡对岸的台湾来了。 香港《开放》杂志总编金钟表示,〝旺旺集团〞创办人蔡衍明斥资204亿台币买下〝中时集团〞旗下的《中国时报》等多家媒体。而〝旺旺集团〞在中国大陆政商背景雄厚,在这个背景下,《中国时报》从事〝新闻买卖〞也就不奇怪了。 香港《开放》杂志总编金钟:〝渗透、统战、拉拢、收买,他们(中共)的手段多的很,现在中共对海外的媒体,或者说叫境外的媒体,包括台湾、香港,他们(中共)是下足了功夫去进行统战,这里头他们花钱、花人,下很大的功夫去做,不惜代价的去做。〞 〝台湾大学〞新闻研究所教授张锦华表示,因为不断传出中共在大陆对少数民族和信仰者的镇压,因此内部民众权益受损的真实情况,仍然可以通过独立媒体的披露,得到曝光,而无法隐瞒。 〝台湾大学〞新闻研究所教授张锦华:〝中国的媒体,其实在中共的严格的言论控制下,基本上都没有办法扮演真实的角色,往往都只是在传递中国官方的谎言,中国大陆光靠这个表面的粉饰行为,是没有办法欺骗民众的。〞 张锦华表示,中共政府对新闻与言论自由的管控不仅仅针对中国大陆,还输出海外。然而真实是无法掩盖的,人类本来就有追求真实的本能。 〝台湾大学〞新闻研究所教授张锦华:〝最近薄熙来事件,让大家更是完全揭开了中共整个制度上的滥权跟贪腐,以及践踏人民权益、屠杀迫害的行为,我想这一切这些事实都是没有办法隐瞒的。〞 张锦华进一步表示,台湾有四大报纸,目前《中国时报》的〝读者率〞敬陪末座,大概剩下百分之七左右。 不久前,〝中时旺旺集团〞总裁蔡衍明在接受《华盛顿邮报》专访时提出,〝关于六四天安门事件的屠杀报导不是真的〞、〝中国在许多地方是很民主的〞,因此引发六四当事者及学者们的抗议,有人发起联名,签署〝当中时不忠实,我们选择拒绝中时〞的活动。 采访/白梅 编辑/黄容 后制/郭敬 CCP Illegally Buys News, Scholars Comment "It Exposes More" Taiwan's United Daily News reported on April 26 that the command to arrest Bo Xilai was signed off by Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping and Zhou Yongkang, and the executor was Zhou. The report stands on the ground that Zhou Yongkang is coordinating with Hu and Wen. Analysts questioned whether this report was published by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intentionally or Taiwan media has an unspeakable reason for why they published a report that runs contrary to the basic truth. In addition, Taiwan legislators questioned whether the CCP spent money to illegally buy news in Taiwan. Public broadcasting scholars speculate that CCP buying news is its propaganda solution but in reality, they are exposing more of the truth, because freedom of speech in Taiwan helps to spread the truth everywhere. Let's take a look at the detailed report. The Taiwan Newspaper, United Daily News, published an article on April 26 titled, "the Inside Story of Bo Xilai's Case." It said that "Central Committee appointed Zhou Yongkang to lead the Chongqing Case's working team." "Zhou's actions followed orders from Hu and Wen." However, the US's New York Times reported that Zhou Yongkang was the only Politburo member against the investigation and arrest of Bo Xilai. In addition, international media including "Asahi Shimbun," "Associated Press," "Financial Times," "Daily Telegraph," and others have reported that Zhou Yongkang is under investigation. Professor Zhang Tianliang of U.S. George Mason University has published an article pointing out that the Union Daily News report is outrageous. He claims it runs contrary to the facts and basic logic. Furthermore, a Taiwan legislator came up with the "2012 Propaganda Plan of Fujian Governor to Visit Taiwan," and criticized the China Times news report regarding the Fujian governor Su Shulin's visit to Taiwan at the end of March which are all "embedded news." He exposed an audio recording of dialogue between news reporters and Chen Xianghua, the propaganda director of Xiamen city, Fujian province, which proved that CCP officials participated in illegal advertising in Taiwan. CCP buys news in Taiwan in an attempt to influence Taiwan. Taiwan legislators required the Mainland Affairs Council to block CCP's black handed control of Taiwan media. CCP's control has extended into Taiwan. Jin Zhong, the chief editor of Hong Kong's Open magazine said that Tsai Eng-Meng, the founder of Want Want Group, spent NT$ 20.4 billion to buy advertising with China Times and other media under the China Times Group. But Want Want Group has a strong political business background in Mainland China. With this background, it's not a surprise that China News accepted the CCP's illegal advertisement offer. Jin Zhong: "Penetrating, uniting to the same front, roping, buying… …, CCP has many methods. Now, CCP put 100% effort into uniting the foreign media which includes Taiwan and Hong Kong, to the same front. It spent money, human resources and a lot of energy to carry it out with no concern for cost." Chang Chin-hua, a professor from National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Journalism, said that news regarding the CCP's persecution of minorities and faith believers in China are reported in Taiwan continuously, and the individual media outlets still can expose the truth that the Chinese are suppressed by the CCP. The truth can't be hidden. Chang Chin-hua: "Media in Mainland China are under strict control by CCP. They can't act the role of an authentic media. They only report the lies created by CCP, but the CCP can't deceive the public with falsified news." Chang Chin-hua said that the CCP regime's control of the media and speech is not only executed within Mainland China, but also implemented overseas, but the truth can't be covered up because seeking truth is human nature. Chang Chin-hua: "Recently, the Bo Xilai case unveiled the abuse of power and corruption by the whole CCP system, as well as CCP's actions that trample people's rights and carry out massacres. I think all these truth can't be buried." Chang Chin-hua also pointed out that Taiwan has four main newspapers. Currently, China Times shares the smallest market, about 7%. Not long ago, when Tsai Eng-Meng, CEO of "Want Want-China Times Group" received an interview from the Washington Post, he said, "The report about the massacre of Tiananmen Incident isn't true," and "China is very democratic in some places." His words triggered anger and protest from the participants and scholars of Tiananmen Incident. Participants wrote off the China Times as being dishonest and saying they, "refuse to choose it." 2012-04-28 07:18:29 http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/04/28/a693240.html.-【】中共〝买新闻〞–学者:欲盖弥彰.html RSS全文订阅中国,不翻 墙看禁网,SSL全程加密,安全可靠方便 | Email订阅 相关文章: 本文标签:习近平, 周永康, 民主, 章天亮, 胡锦涛, 自由, 薄熙来, 薄熙来事件, 言论自由 【禁闻】中共〝买新闻〞 学者:欲盖弥彰 |