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香港《动向》杂志最新一期的文章 说,自从习近平以中共最高领导人身份出现于公众面前以来,到今年两会,公众普遍感觉到,他并不是一个权力式微的领导人。文章表示,中共十八大后,习推出了属于他自己的意识形态版本,这一举动,被视为对于江派的反击。
胡锦涛以〝裸退〞废除了江泽民等中共元老干政制度,而习近平全面接掌中共党政军 大权后,连续在地方和军队的〝反腐〞,对准了江派〝大老虎〞,与江泽民进行了数次交锋。
虽然去年十八大的结果出来时,海内外媒体都感到意外:大热门人选李源潮爆出冷门,汪洋失利,令计划几乎面临绝境,团派局势大为失利。不过几个月后,在中共两会人事安排中,这些团派人马又集体 上任。胡锦涛〝人事管家〞沈跃跃就任中共人大副委员长,团派核心人物之一的李源潮担任国家副主席,胡锦涛〝大总管〞令计划就任政协副主席;团派大将周强领衔最高法院院长,团派汪洋和刘延东出任国务院副总理。
《动向》杂志的评论认为,习近平所展示出来的风格、手腕,尤其是他对政治敌人作出的反击或进攻,至少证明了他并非某些人所认为的〝弱主〞。相反,他隐含着某些潜在的能量,使他可能成为中国 政治的变数──可能在政治和社会变化的关键时刻 起作用,他的角色可能决定中国历史 的轨迹。
尽管习近平连续在地方和军队进行〝反腐〞,给不少中国民众带来了廉洁的印象。不过,时事评论员汪北稷指出,目前中国民众依然处在维稳的高压之下,中国民众的处境,并没有因为习近平控制了局面而改善;维权 人士,异议人士,法轮功修炼者还在继续遭受迫害。
时事评论员 汪北稷:〝真正的廉洁是权力上的廉洁,如果像他(习近平)说的把权力锁进笼子里,那就是把中共的权利交给人民,中共自行了断,把中国的政治结构,改变这种独裁结构,变成像美国西方国家一样的三权也好、五权也好,几权分列,把选票交给人民,然后清算自己的罪行,自我了断,这个就做到了,说到也做到了。〞
时事评论员 司马泰:〝如果习近平在维持党的一党专政之下,通过权斗的方式来改善一些所谓的民主之外,是非常危险的,尽管能够看到一些效果,但长期看实际上他是把民主给弄坏了。〞
(采访/常春 编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远)
Xi Plays Political Game against Jiang Zemin Differently from Hu
Hu Jintao’s complete retirement from the regime during the 18th National Congress abrogated dominance from veteran politicians such as Jiang Zemin and alike. Since taking over the Party, the State, and the Military, Xi Jinping’s internal policy seems to target the Jiang faction, from the Politburo, military, to local anti-corruption.
Hong Kong media believed Xi Jinping is taking a different political route from that of Hu Jintao to deal with Jiang Zeming.
The latest issue of Hong Kong magazine, Trend, indicated Xi Jinping has appeared as a leader of a new power. Since the 18th National Congress, Xi’s policy demonstrated his ideology which was recognized as fighting back at the Jiang faction.
Hu Jintao was believed a weak leader, according to the article. Xi Jinping, however, will play the game completely differently to Hu because of his temperament, political capital and background.
Since Hu Jintao put an end to the interference from Jiang Zemin and co, by complete retirement from the leadership, Xi Jinping, the new leader, has tackled Jiang Zemin by a series of anti-corruption initiatives aimed at the Jiang faction’s remaining presence in local government departments, and in the army.
At first, the personnel arrangement when the 18th National Congress ended was surprising. The Youth League faction, including Li Yuanchao, Wang Yang, and Ling Jihua, lost their ground. However, months later, Hu’s allies and the main leaders of the Youth League faction have all regained their power through the annual meetings of the regime. Shen Yueyue became executive vice director of the Central Organization Department, Li Yuanchao became the Vice-President, Lin Jihua the vice-chair of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Zhou Qiang the President of the Supreme Court, Wang Yang and Liu Yandong as vice premiers of the State Council.
In addition, cronies of Wen Jiabao such as Ma Kai became the Deputy Prime Minister, and Xu Shaoshi, taking over the National Development and Reform Commission, This has directly cut off the money-making channels used by the Jiang faction. The personnel arrangement has completely surrounded the Jiang faction’s remaining Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, Zhang Dejiang, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang Gaoli, are ready to attack.
Trends magazine commented that Xi Jinping has demonstrated his style towards his political opponents. Instead of being weak, he has shown his energy which might become a variable in the Communist regime. Causing tremendous change in politics and society and thus in the history of China.
Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption drive has impressed many Chinese. However, political commentator Wang Beiji indicated his leadership has not relieved people of the constant pressure of stability maintenance. The persecution of activists, dissidents, and Falun Gong practitioners still continues.
Political commentator Wang Beiji: “True honesty and integrity should accompany any authority. If he could do what he said, locking the authority in the cage, return rights to the people, to correct the authoritarian structure, to become a true democracy, to liquidate the crimes of the Communist regime, cleaning himself up completely, that will be true honesty and integrity.”
Political commentator Sima Tai does not believe Xi Jinping has demonstrated anything different from his prior leaders. He commented that this Rightist type of democracy within the Communist regime does not represent the best interests of the Chinese people.
Political commentator Sima Tai: “Xi Jinping seems to walk towards democracy by way of a power struggle. However, under the one-party dictatorship, this so-called democracy is very dangerous. Some superficial effects can be seen in a short run. However, in the long run, he will in fact be ruining democracy.”
For more than a decade, the Central Politics and Law Commission obtained massive economic benefits from the re-education through labor system, Profiting massively also from bloody practice of live organ harvesting. On January 7, Xi Jinping ordered the halt of the labor camp system by end of the year.
Xi Jinping’s targeting the re-education through labor camps is in fact levering up Jiang Zemin’s roots. Through the transfer of power, all of Jiang Zemin’s cronies in the military have also lost their positions.
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本文标签:《动向》, 两会, 中共, 中共中央, 中共十八大, 习八条, 习近平, 令计划, 党, 刘云山, 刘延东, 副总理, 劳教制度, 劳教所, 十八大, 发改委, 右派, 周强, 团派, 国务院, 国家副主席, 外媒, 张德江, 张高丽, 徐绍史, 总理, 政治, 政治局常委, 政法委, 新唐人, 最高法院, 最高法院院长, 李源, 李源潮, 民主, 江泽民, 江派, 汪洋, 沈跃跃, 法轮功, 活摘人体器官, 温家宝, 港媒, 红二代, 维稳, 美国, 胡锦涛, 集体, 香港, 马凯
via 【禁闻】传习、胡以不同方式反击江泽民