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【新唐人2013年04月08日讯】中国 23个省市近140名律师,4月5号向中华全国律师 协会、北京市律师协会和江苏省靖江市法院发出《建议信》,要求靖江当局暂停对北京维权 律师王全璋的司法拘留。4月6号王全璋被〝提前解除拘留〞,他向本台记者表示,他被拘留并非个人耻辱,而是〝中国司法系统 和法院的耻辱〞,更是中国执业律师执业环境恶化的一个缩影。
对于北京维权律师 王全璋被拘留的原因,靖江市法院先前的解释是:因为王全璋用智能手机拍摄法庭辩论,及多次打断讯问,扰乱正常审判。
王全璋4月3 号在靖江法院为一名法轮功学员辩护时,被法官认为违反法庭纪律,下令将他〝司法拘留10天〞。全国各地律师同行立即发起援救王全璋的行动,许多网友陆续从全国各地赶往靖江声援。
刘卫国向〝英国广播公司〞《BBC》中文网 说:在当局做出拘留王全璋的决定之前,还扣押了王全璋,这是属于〝非法拘禁〞;此外,拘留王全璋的场所也不是拘留所,所以是〝场所违法、程序违法〞。
大陆 维权律师唐荆陵:〝法院就是一种欺骗,我失去了对法庭的尊重感,我认为(法庭)完全没有公正,公正是法律 的灵魂,如果没有公正了再去装模装样搞那些仪式是没用的,今天中共的法庭就是一个骗人的仪式。〞
王全璋当事人朱亚年女儿朱丹:〝王律师就说,你们这样是涉嫌非法剥夺 公民信仰自由,他们(公安)也是犯罪,非法剥夺公民信仰自由罪。〞
采访/易如 编辑/许旻 后制/周天
A Microcosm of Chinese Lawyers’ Struggling Law Practices
On April 5, about 140 lawyers from China’s 23 provinces
issued an open letter.
Lawyers demanded Jingjiang People’s Court to
stop the detention of lawyer Wang Quanzhang.
On April 6, Wang’s “custody was terminated ahead of time”.
Wang Quanzhang told NTD that his detention was not
his personal shame, but “a shame of China’s judicial system”.
It is a microcosm that illustrates why Chinese lawyers’
law practice system has worsened.
For the reason for detaining Wang Quanzhang,
Jingjiang court reportedly said that
Wang had filmed court proceedings with his smart phone,
that he had repeatedly interrupted the questioning.
It blamed Wang for disturbing the trial.
China’s official media quoted Taizhou Intermediate Court
on the reason for releasing Wang Quanzhang.
Saying the detention “has already played it’s punishment role.”
So, there’s no need to continue it.
On April 7, Wang Quanzhang complains
about the arbitrary detention of a citizen.
The detention didn’t go through any legal procedure,
and there’s no effective legal remedy available.
(Beijing human rights lawyer) Wang Quanzhang:
“The judicial detention is at the discretion of the judge,
without needing to follow any legal procedure.
Secondly, citizens lack effective access to any legal remedy.
Victims of judicial detention have the right to
apply for a review.
But they were always sent to detention centers
before they could exercise this right.
Also, an administrative proceeding cannot be filed
against judicial custody.
the existence of judicial custody is really ludicrous.”
Wang Quanzhang was detained on April 3, when he
defended a Falun Gong practitioner in the Jingjiang court.
The judge alleged that Wang had violated court rules,
putting him in 10-day custody.
After that, nationwide lawyers quickly initiated a rescue,
and many netizens went to Jingjiang to give support.
Wang Quanzhang states that the Jingjiang court
should have presented evidence of his disturbing the trial to justify the detention.
Whether or not he personally photographed and recorded,
there was no connection with the disruption of court order.
Lawyer Liu Weiguo who is in support of Wang,
asked the court to provide the court trial video as proof.
The court hasn’t yet responded.
BBC’s Chinese website cited Liu Weiguo.
Liu said that the court had detained Wang before
they had made a custody decision, which is “illegal custody”.
In addition, Wang was not detained in a detention center,
this constitutes “locale illegality and procedural illegality”.
Furthermore, Wang Quanzhang accused the Jingjiang court
of persuading the defendant’s family members to
“turn down the non-local lawyer” before the trial started.
The court even warned family members that
“Hiring two lawyers will lead to a heavier sentence.”
(Lawyer in China) Tang Jingling reveals that
many lawyers have completely lost faith in China’s courts.
Tang Jingling: “The courts practice a form of cheating.
I’ve lost respect for the courts, which I don’t think
are at all just, but justice is the soul of the law.
If lacking justice, the court’s role is simply a useless ritual.
Today, the CCP’s courts are a deceitful rite.”
The Jingjiang court also asked Wang Quanzhang to
sign a “repentance statement”, which Wang refused to sign.
Zhu Dan, daughter of Wang Quanzhang’s defendant,
said that local police often coaxed or coerced
Falun Gong practitioners to sign “repentance” statements.
Zhu Dan: “Lawyer Wang told them, ‘You’re suspected of
illegally depriving citizens of their freedom of belief.
The police are just committing the same crimes.”
According to Jiang Tianyong, a lawyer in China, the
“repentance statement” is a common deceitful approach.
It is used by the CCP’s police to deal with citizens
held in illegal custody.
Jiang Tianyong: “China’s lawyers have gradually awakened.
In facing various forms of suppression,
they have all realized that, without resistance,
all legal rights are just empty promises and
mean nothing at all.
I believe that the authorities’ violation of laws,
including the 610 Office, the secret political spying system,
will soon be known of by more and more people.
Their misdeeds won’t last long, I think.”
Jiang Tianyong comments on the nationwide lawyers’ rescue
effort and on the public appeals for releasing Wang Quanzhang.
It manifested high efficiency and
the wisdom of Chinese citizens.
Meanwhile, lawyers have increasingly
understood their own responsibilities,
and the necessity of unity and struggle,
according to Jiang Tianyong.
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本文标签:610, BBC, 中共, 信仰自由, 唐荆陵, 国保, 律师, 新唐人, 法律, 法轮功, 自由, 英国, 英国广播, 英国广播公司
via 【禁闻】王全璋:中国律师执业环境恶化