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【新唐人2013年06月25日讯】6月23号,中共当局突然向外界宣布,原四川省副省长郭永祥因涉嫌严重违纪,接受组织调查。而郭永祥的另外一个身份,就是前中央政法委书记周永康的秘书。中共〝十八大〞后至今,有多名高官落马,其中三个最高级别的官员,恰恰都与周永康有着相当的关联,他们分别是:四川省委副书记李春城、湖北省政法委书记吴永文,以及郭永祥三人。大陆 时政 评论者分析,周永康危险了!
1949年 出生,现年64岁的郭永祥,此时被调查显然出乎外界意料。因为根据中国 公务员制度规定,副省级干部通常65岁就退居二线。而按照中共惯例,即使官员在退休之前有问题 ,只要不触及所谓红线,通常会提前退休,被赋予一个闲职。
前《经济学周报》副总编 高瑜:〝因为中国副部级官员很多很多。而且问题也是很多的。但是这三个人先后落马,而且都涉及到他们工作上可能都和某些方面有关联。就说明中央还在对一些很大的案子进行调查。从这个情况来讲,肯定中央它现在不是说只调查一些副部级的人物,也可能这些人物都是被牵连出来的。〞
另外,前〝北京社会经济科学 研究所〞所长陈子明认为,郭永祥的落马,可能是中共高层 态度转变的一个重要信号。
前北京社会经济科学研究所所长 陈子明:〝周永康可能有点儿危了。过去所谓刑不上常委,现在新的班子有可能想要突破。当然阻力还很大。我了解到的情况,他们曾经努力过,一度放弃过。现在是不是又在尝试?反正昨天这个消息,我看了是很高兴。〞
自从前重庆市委书记薄熙来案发之后,周永康一直处于十面埋伏的危机当中。在习近平去年二月访美的时候,美国《华盛顿自由灯塔》网站 曾经爆料,王立军投奔美领馆携带的材料当中,有薄熙来和周永康在前党魁江泽民的庇护下,准备半路废掉习近平取而代之的政变计划。
采访编辑/秦雪 后制/肖颜
Signal Given by Case of Guo Yongxiang
On June 23, Guo Yongxiang, ex-deputy governor of
Sichuan province, was officially declared to be under
investigation by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Guo was accused of serious violation of the Party’s discipline.
Also, Guo has served as secretary of Zhou Yongkang,
former czar of Political& Legislative Affairs Committee.
Since the 18th CCP Party Congress, a number of
senior officials have been removed from their posts.
The three highest ranking officials were all closely
linked to Zhou Yongkang.
They are Li Chuncheng, ex-deputy Party chief of Sichuan,
Wu Yongwen, PLAC chief of Hubei province, and Guo Yongxiang.
Political commentator believes this may indicate
that Zhou Yongkang is in peril.
The CCP unexpectedly put 64-year-old Guo Yongxiang
under investigation.
According to Civil Service regulations, the unofficial
retirement age for the sub-provincial-level CCP cadres is 65.
In practice, a CCP cadre, who even if found guilty,
would be offered an early retirement by getting a sinecure.
The premise is that the cadre did not cross over
the ‘red guilt line’ set by the Party.
Beijing-based veteran journalist, Gao Yu, comments.
The three vice ministerial-level officials,
Li Chuncheng, Wu Yongwen and Guo Yongxiang,
might be pulled out when investigating
some specific big cases.
(Veteran journalist, Beijing) Gao Yu: “There’re plenty of
vice-ministerial level CCP officials who have been involved in crimes.
The sacking of these three indicates that their work
may be related to some higher-ranking officials.
That is, the CCP central may be conducting
investigations into some big cases.
Under this context, it’s clear the central probe isn’t
limited to the scope of vice-ministerial level officials.
These three may be the mud clinging to
the radish that is to be pulled out.”
Chen Ziming is former director of Beijing Social Science
Research Institute.
Chen thinks Guo Yongxiang’s dismissal may be
a sign of the CCP top leadership shifting their attitudes.
Chen Ziming: “Zhou Yongkang may be in danger.
In the past, members of CCP Politburo Standing
Committee could be exempt from criminal penalty.
The new leadership team might want to
make breakthroughs in this respect.
Of course, the resistance is still very large.
I’ve learned that they once made efforts on this,
but some time later gave it up.
But aren’t they making another attempt now?
I felt very happy when I got the news yesterday.”
Since the exposure of Bo Xilai’s case, Zhou Yongkang
has been in danger of an ambush.
In February 2012 during Xi Jinping’s visit in the USA,
US-based Freebeacon.com disclosed a coup plan
made by Bo and Zhou to overthrow Xi Jinping.
The plot was covered in the materials carried out by
by Wang Lijun, who sought asylum in Chengdu.
Gao Yu: “At that time the central authorities hadn’t
mentioned the incident, we got told by overseas media.
Now, nothing has changed in practice, we still get
scant news from China’s media.
So the final result can be exposed only after
the authorities have made a declaration.”
Some critics say that the probe into Guo Yongxiang may
signal the setting up of a retrospective punishment mechanism.
It targets the CCP leading officials at the level of
the Politburo Standing Committee.
The way of dealing with Zhou Yongkang may follow
what the CCP has done to Huang Ju,
former Politburo Standing Committee member,
according to comments.
It has always been known that members of the CCP
Politburo Standing Committee are exempt from criminal liabilities.
Whilst the Party’s Politburo members can also be
safe from the death penalty.
Recently, media has reported that Xi Jinping intends to
remove the “death-exemption shield”.
Chen Ziming says he has heard various arguments,
but which are contradictory to each other.
Chen Ziming: “There’re so much news about the issue,
which indicates that there is still a stalemate.
How will Guo’s case progress? let’s wait and see.”
Reportedly, Guo Yongxiang began his career
as an oil field worker.
In his political career, the first stage of over ten years
was rather mediocre.
In 1990, Guo took over as divisional head
at China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
At the time, Zhou Yongkang was the CNPC’s
deputy Party chief and deputy general manager.
From then on, Guo’s political promotion went smoothly.
From 1992-1998, Guo Yongxiang served as
deputy director of the CNPC Research Office.
He thus became Zhou Yongkang’s first secretary.
In December 2012, Li Chuncheng, deputy Party chief of
Sichuan province, was detained on suspicion of serious violation of CCP discipline.
Li became the first alternate member of
the CCP Central Committee who was axed by Xi Jinping.
And then more removals of Sichuan CCP officials ensued.
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本文标签:中共, 中共中央, 中央委员, 习近平, 党, 副省长, 十八大, 华盛顿自由灯塔, 吴永文, 周永康, 外媒, 政变, 政治, 政治局委员, 政治局常委, 政法委, 政法委书记, 新唐人, 时政评论, 李春城, 江泽民, 王立军, 美国, 翻墙, 自由, 薄熙来, 薄熙来案, 郭永祥, 陈子明, 高瑜, 黄菊
via 【禁闻】周永康大秘郭永祥落马 露征兆!