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【新唐人2013年07月12日讯】5月底,因为发表〝反宪政〞论调,遭到〝围攻〞的中共党媒《红旗文稿》杂志,再度抛出〝天命观〞的言论,企图为中共的合法性辩护。对于这个论调,学者也提出了〝中共欺骗民意〞的历史 进行反驳,更有网民嘲讽,真正的天意是:中共气数已尽;民意是:中共早日灭亡,请中共顺应天意吧。

理论机关刊物旗下的《红旗文稿》提出〝天命〞说,企图为中共〝执政的合法性〞找依据,但是自1949年 执政后,中共施行了一系列残害中国 百姓的运动,近年来,中国各地则抗议暴政 不断,中共也不断用武力对群众进行镇压。




深圳独立作家朱健国:〝 当年的中共它是以来争取民意的,但是建政之后,它很快就抛弃了民主自由,或者说以前就是假的,只是借用、打旗号,并不打算真正去顺应民意,只是借它作为一个旗帜争取民心、夺取政权。夺取政权以后,马上就露出真面目了。〞



中国网路作家任百鸣表示,〝天命即为受天之托〞,只有那些能承载中华文化的,才是真正承载中国人的天命。但五千年 的中国传统 ,被中共几乎破坏殆尽。

任百鸣:〝 五千年来中华文化一直在延续不断,到了中共这块,极力的去摧残、打压中华传统文化 ,用党文化 来替代传统文化,通过几代人各种各样的政治运动给人进行洗脑灌输,把现在的中国人搞得根本就不认识中华传统文化到底是什么了,把党文化当成了自己的文化,这实际上根本性的违背了天命,不具备继承天命的基本要素。〞


任百鸣:〝 你既然接受天命,你也要认这个天命,什么样的天命呢?你做了恶事,你就得承担,善恶有报就是真正天命的展现,所以中共应该自己掂量掂量做的坏事,做了多恶的事情,就有多大的恶报,那么大家看到,诋毁佛法,把人们的道德纳入深渊,葬送中华民族,你它说有什么样的恶报,那就是灭啊!〞


2002年6月,在贵州省平塘县的掌布村,发现了2亿7千万年前留下的〝藏字石 〞,崩裂的巨石断面,天然形成的〝中国共产党亡〞6个大字,一度震惊世界,被认为是天意的体现。

采访/朱智善 编辑/张天宇 宋风 后制/君卓


Chinese Communist Party Reverses Atheism To Justify Legitimacy

The end of May, the Red-flag Manuscript magazine

has published an article.

It uses the “Mandate of Heaven” to justify the political

legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Scholars comment that historically, the CCP has

been skilful in getting public support by deceit.

Some Chinese believe that the real Mandate of

Heaven will be the demise of the CCP.

They wish the CCP could follow the Mandate of

Heaven by dying as soon as possible.

The Red-flag Manuscript, a biweekly political magazine,

is sponsored by the CCP central committee,

It uses the” Mandate of Heaven”

to justify the CCP’s political legitimacy.

Since 1949, when the CCP began its rule in China,

it has launched a series of political movements,

which have oppressed huge numbers of Chinese people.

In recent years, there have been

mass protests against communist rule.

These have occurred nationwide,

but have ended with crackdowns.

In the view of traditional Chinese culture, down the ages,

virtuous emperors have all venerated

the Gods of Heaven and of Earth.

Corrupt rulers have defied Heaven, they then are doomed

to be replaced by a new, just emperor.

Commentators say, the CCP has now reversed its atheism

in seeking justification for its political legitimacy.

This has illustrated how a deep the crisis is

which is facing the CCP today.

(cyber writer, China) Ren Baiming: “What is ridiculous is

that the CCP even talks about the Mandate of Heaven.

It has long been full of self-proclaimed atheists.

It has fought against the Gods of Heaven and of Earth

during its long rule in China, for decades.”

Zhu Jianguo, independent writer in Shenzhen,

comments that

the eulogists preaching the CCP ideology

are now out of order.

They have been confused about what the CCP’s footing is.

He adds that, before 1949, the CCP had used propaganda,

and deceitfully “gained” the support of the masses.

Zhu Jianguo: “In those days, the CCP used advocacy of

democracy and freedom to gain public support.

After 1949, it quickly abandoned the talk, which had,

after all, only been used as a trick to seize political power.

So after it came to power, it immediately revealed

it’s true face.”

The CCP Liberation Daily dated October 28, 1941,

claimed that,

“Currently, in pushing forward democratic politics,

the key is ending one-party rule.”

On February 2, 1944, the CCP Xinhua Daily

published an editorial.

It said, “The Party shall completely, comprehensively

and effectively implement universal suffrage.

It shall actually enable the people to

have equal rights to elect and to be elected.

The way of achieving this must follow

Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s remarks.

That is, to ensure that the people have full freedom of

assembly, association, expression, and publication.”

Ren Baiming stated that the Mandate of Heaven refers to

being entrusted with a mission from the God of Heaven.

Only those who inherit traditional Chinese culture can

really take Heaven’s Mandate to govern this land.

But the 5,000-year old Chinese traditions have nearly

been completely destroyed by the CCP.

Ren Baiming: “Traditional Chinese culture has existed

for the past 5,000 years.

It was disrupted under the CCP’s rule, and replaced

with the CCP’s political party culture.

The CCP has brainwashed several generations of

the Chinese people through dozens of political movements.

So nowadays, the Chinese people have no basic idea

about what traditional Chinese culture is.

They have taken the CCP’s political party culture

for the real Chinese culture.

This is actually going completely against

the Mandate of Heaven.”

Economist, Du Runsheng is known as China’s

rural-reform father.

Du reveals that in 1953, Mao Zedong “hurriedly”

put forward a general political line for the socialist transition period.

Mao used it to replace his earlier Neo-democratism theory

and his Common Program of Political Consultative Conference.

Then a range of political movements ensued…

Ren Baiming: “If you advocate the Heaven Mandate,

you’ll have to be judged by it.

In other words, if you have done evil deeds,

you’ll hold liability.

Good and evil have their own rewards——

it precisely illustrates how the Mandate of Heaven works.

So the CCP should think it over well.

The CCP has vilified Buddha Law, causing the Chinese

people’s descent into an abyss of moral depravity.

What retribution for such evildoings awaits it?

Surely to be destroyed by the God of Heaven.”

A popular saying spread amongst overseas Chinese,

“Heaven destroys the CCP, Heaven blesses China.”

says that if the CCP really wants to obey the Mandate

of Heaven, it should die as soon as possible.

This would exactly follow the will of Heaven

and of the Chinese people.

In June 2002, a 270-million-year-old giant stone

was discovered in a village of Guizhou Province.

On its fracture plane, there appear six Chinese characters,

“the Chinese Communist Party Faces Death”.

The sensational geological wonder has been

considered a manifestation of the will of Heaven.

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