第二届〝西藏 电影节〞,日前在香港举行,有6部记录片和故事片公映,影片主要介绍西藏境内的真实处境。目前居住在北京的社会活动家胡佳,专门为香港〝西藏电影节〞录制视频讲话。本台记者10号采访了胡佳。接下来一起去了解。
第二届〝西藏电影节〞主办方,9号开始在香港尖沙咀〝1908书社〞,公映6部记录片和故事片。包括出自奥地利丶印度丶西藏及中国 独立导演的《远离西藏》丶《再见西藏》丶《梦见拉萨 》丶《无畏》丶《对话》丶《被封锁的对话》等。
6部影片中,纪实片《无畏》(《Leaving Fear Behind》又名《远离恐惧》),是第二次在西藏电影节上播放。许先茗表示,今年重播《无畏》是为了特别向顿珠旺青致谢。
《无畏》的制片人顿珠旺青(Dhondup Wangchen)和果洛久美(Golog Jigme),在2008年3月10号送出他们的影带不久后,双双被捕。2009年底,顿珠旺青被判6年徒刑,罪名是〝颠覆国家政权〞。上个月(6月)5号顿珠旺青刚出狱。
而记录片《对话》,是民族问题 研究者王力 雄在2011年1月,组织大陆 维权 律师 江天勇和滕彪,邀请远在印度达兰萨拉的达赖喇嘛,通过网络视讯所进行的一场〝藏汉对谈〞记录。
事后王力雄 透露,在这场对话后不久,爆发了〝茉莉花事件〞,整个中国的气氛紧张。江天勇和滕彪也遭到当局的逮捕关押。
10号,唯色在网路社交平台〝推特〞上表示,〝我家 门口的便衣已撤。这次软禁结束了。很显然,这次软禁是阻止我出席美国使馆方面邀请的晚宴。正如BBC报导的。〞
胡佳:〝共产党它好像觉得说,唯色如果去了那里的话,就让它演变得很难堪,但是实际上它禁止唯色去私人性 的聚会,国际主流媒体均有报导,它就涉及到一个民族(藏人)被压制的现状,而且涉及到一个国家的公民基本的交往的权利、言论的权利受到打压,而且对于美国国务卿这样的政府高官,公安部门、国保部门都能够采取如此的行动,可以想见它是多么的自以妄为。〞
HK Tibetan Film Festival – Six Films Screened
The Second HK Tibet Film Festival was held recently in HK.
Six documentaries and feature films were screened.
The films mainly covered the real situation in Tibet.
Beijing’s social activist Hu Jia talked about this Film Festival.
NTD Reporter interviewed Hu Jia on July 10.
On July 9, the Second HK Tibet Film Festival
organizers screened six documentaries and feature films
at the 1908 Bookstore at Tsim Sha Tsui.
The films included Far Away from Tibet, Farewell Tibet,
Dreamed Lhasa, Fearless, Dialogue, and Blocked Dialogue, etc.
made by independent directors from Austria, India, Tibet and China.
HK Tibet Film Festival hostess Dorothy Hui Sin Ming
was also the person in charge of HK Stand With Tibet,
a HK organization to support Tibetans.
She said during the interview with RFA that the six films,
on human rights are not for commercial purposes.
This public screening was to raise people’s awareness.
She said that the goal was to raise the issue of Tibet, and let
HK people know about the situation of Tibetans in China, and
in exile and try to comprehend the culture of Tibetans.
Beijing activist Hu Jia:”Congratulations to the
Second HK Tibet Film Festival!
I think Tibet is like HK. They both seek for complete autonomy.
HK people ruling HK and Tibetans ruling Tibet is reasonable.
China never allows so-called autonomy for ethnic groups.
All governance is in the hands of Han and the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).
Actually not the Han people, but in the hands of the CCP.”
The film documentary “Fearless” (“Leaving Fear Behind” also
known as “Free from Fear”), is the second movie of the Tibet
Film Festival.
Mr. Xu Ming, said regarding this year’s replay, “Fearless”,
special thanks are in order to Dhondup Wangchen.
Fearless producer Dhondup Wangchen and Golog Jigme were
arrested soon after they sent out film tapes on March 10, 2008.
At the end of 2009, Dhondup Wangchen was sentenced to
six-years in prison with the charge of “Subversion of State Power.”
On June 5, Dhondup Wangchen was released from prison.
Tibetan writer Snow Lotus:
“The truth about Tibet is still being covered up!
Although the film festival in HK reveals some conditions
in Tibet from a side angle, a very small angle,
More serious things are happening in Tibet
and many of them are covered up.
Many people are being killed, imprisoned and brutally beaten
due to a variety of things.
The outside world does not know about these more serious
The documentary film Dialogue is the recording of
“Dialogue on the Han and Tibetan”
between China’s human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong and
Teng Biao and the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India.
The dialogue was organized by national issue researcher
Wang Lixiong in January 2011 and was done via online video.
Wang Lixiong revealed that shortly after this conversation,
“Jasmine Revolution” came out, the atmosphere was very tense
in China.
Jiang Tianyong and Teng Biao were arrested and
detained by the CCP authorities.
During the Second HK Tibet Film Festival,
Beijing also held the sixth round of the
U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
Wang Lixiong’s wife, Tibetan writer Woeser,
was placed under house arrest.
Woeser once received the
“International Women of Courage Award”
issued by U.S. Department of State.
BBC quoted U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki
that the U.S. once invited Woeser and another Chinese winner to
attend a private dinner on women’s issues.
On July10, Woeser stated on Twitter, “The plainclothes
policemen at my house left. This house arrest just ended.”
Obviously this house arrest was to prevent me from
attending the dinner at the U.S. embassy, as BBC reported.”
Hu Jia: “The CCP seems to think it would be embarrassed
if Woeser went to the dinner.
It actually forbad Woeser to attend a private dinner gathering.
It was reported by international mainstream media.
It involves the issue of a nation (Tibetan) being suppressed
and suppression of a citizen’s basic rights.
The public security, national security can carry out
such an action to U.S. officials, you can imagine how
self-indulging it is.”
Hu Jia questioned why the CCP banned a citizen
from participating in a private dinner.
Woeser is neither a suspect nor a detained criminal.
Commentators point out that the house arrest of Woeser
proves that the CCP’s suppression of the basic human rights
of Tibetans are still going on.
Interview/Chen Han Post-Production/Zhou Ping
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:BBC, 中共, 中共政权, 亚洲, 人权, 党, 公安部, 共产党, 国保, 国务卿, 国务院, 律师, 政府, 政权, 新唐人, 江天勇, 美中, 美国, 美国国务卿, 胡佳, 自由, 自由亚洲, 自由亚洲电台, 英国, 英国广播, 英国广播公司, 茉莉花, 西藏, 西藏问题, 言论自由, 达赖, 达赖喇嘛, 香港
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