法轮功现象是一个引起全中国 、以至全世界都极度关注的重大课题。本论文重点从信仰和科学 两个维度对法轮功现象 进行了系统 的研究,特别是澄清了中国政府带着偏见批判法轮功 时所造成的混乱概念。本论文所挖掘和利用的基本上是第一手材料,包括李洪志 先生已发表的全部讲话文本、有关法轮功和法轮功学员的调查材料、中国政府对法轮功进行镇压(强制取缔)前后的媒体报导。为了深化对法轮功现象的理解,本论文还探讨了宗教复兴、特异功能现象等当代人类的前沿课题。
本论文的研究表明,气功 的实质是修炼,与气功相伴而来的「人体特异功能」现象不是实证科学所能完全解释的,更不是马列主义无神论者所能理解的。法轮功能迅速发展的原因在于他导(道)出了「修炼界」和人类社会的根本;他的「性命双修」理论既能为广大民众祛病健身 ,又能在社会出现信仰危机的关头提供正视生命意义和净化人类心灵的信仰。
The study of the Falun Gong phenomenon is of great significance not only forChina but also for the entire world due to its global impacts. This thesis is asystematic analysis of both the religious dimension and the life science dimensionof the Falun Gong phenomenon, clarifying serious confusions created by thepropanganda machine of the communist government in China. This researchhas generated and made use of rich original sources, including the writings ofLi Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, personal experiences of Falun Gongpractioners, and media reports of Falun Gong, especially reports before itssuppression by Chinese government in 1999. For the purpose of deepeningour understanding of Falun Gong, this thesis also explores the phenomenon ofQigong in general and miraculous human capabilities in particular.
This study shows that Qigong is a combination of physical exercise with moralcultivation in a special way. Its extraordinary effects, especially the miraculoushuman capabilities, cannot be fully explained by current empirical science, andthey are definitely incompatible with Marxist-Leninist ideology. The rapiddevelopment of Falun Gong, in spite of brutal suppression by the Chinesegovernment, lies in the fact Falun Gong is extraordinary effective in bringingabout both physical health and mental health in the environment where crisis ofbelief is caused by the collapse of state ideology. As Jesus, Li Hongzhi has won thehearts of thousands of practitioners who have found meaning of life and whosevarious physical illness have been cured through persistent practice in accordancewith the teachings of him.
本文标签:中国政府, 政府, 法轮功
via 《万迷之谜-法轮功发展之研究》摘要