


江苏扬州市宝应县的成生俊说:〝我是一名老党员,在疯狂的统治年代加入的,当时也是为了生活无忧一点,可是共产党给我上政治课洗脑了几十年一直没有认清,在我身体不行黄昏晚年,儿孙向我讲了种种共产党的坏事恶性,我终于认清了这个摄人思想的恶魔,我声明退出共产党 一切组织,它给予我的一切作废!〞

李妙音声明三退 ,她说:〝本人曾经从事共产党体系内相关部门工作,现认清不仅鱼肉百姓,祸国殃民,更是胁持全中国 不明的善良百姓,与之一起丧失美好生命的未来 。在此我严正声明,本人将退出中国共产党 、共青团、少先队及其他一切邪党附属组织,切断与共党邪灵的一切关系。,民心所向,中国方能赢得国泰民安。〞

Selected Statements From Quitting

The Chinese Communist Party.

On Oct.15, more than 92,000 people quit the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) and its related associations.

The numbers on Oct. 16 are even higher. Let’s take a look

at two statements of quitting the CCP.

Chen Shenjun from Baoying County, Yangzhou City,

Jiangsu Province, “I am an old party member. I joined the

CCP during its crazy reign. At that time I wanted to make

a living and worry less.

But I did not recognize the CCP’s nature due to its decades

of brainwashing. Now I am in my last years with poor health.

My children and grandchildren told me the crimes and evil

nature of the CCP.

I finally recognize that this demon

destroyed human thinking.

I denounce all organizations of the CCP.

all it gave me is worthless!

Li Miaoyin’s Statement to Quit the CCP; “I worked in the

CCP’s internal system.

I now recognize the evil party exploits people and

destroys the country,

It also steals the good future from all kind Chinese.

Hereby I solemnly declare that I will quit the CCP, the

Communist Youth League, the Young Pioneers and its

other affiliated organizations. I cut off all ties with the

CCP evil spirits.

God will bring down the CCP. This is what people want.

Only then can China has peace and prosperity.”

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