在刚过去的中国 首个〝宪法日〞,广西自治区法院举行了宣誓 仪式。不过誓言中,却把忠于党,排在了国家、人民和宪法前面。那么大陆的民众,是怎样看待中国的司法现状呢?我们来看一看。
我在此声明:退出共产党 、共青团和少先队,以前被共产党欺骗所发的毒誓全部作废,我选择 平安美好的生活,绝不跟着共产党遭殃。〞
Quit CCP Update, Dec. 5, 2014
When China just celebrated its first Constitution Day, Guangxi Autonomous Region Court held a swearing-in ceremony. In the oath, loyalty to the party came before loyalty to the people, the country, and the Constitution. How do the Chinese view the status quo of justice in China? Let's take a look.
Wang Yue wrote: "I am on the staff of the judiciary system, I know how seriously
corrupt is the mainland judicial system. The CCP fools the people, persecutes the good, and creates pandemonium in the nation. The Communist Party is faced with catastrophe. I hereby declare: 'Quit the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers; I negate all the oaths that I gave due to the deception of the Communist Party.' I choose peace and a better life. I will not endure the disasters meant for the Communist Party."
Li Yu Ling, Fujian Province, wrote: "I have been learning and understanding the true face of this society, the total brainwashing propaganda of the CCP, the domestic riots, the foreign aids, the territorial disputes, the useless judicial system, the CCP dictatorship in military, governance and justice. Thinking about joining the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers in youth was made totally believable, I hereby announce my withdrawal. My heart is filled with patriotic anger."
本文标签:中共, 党, 共产党, 宪法, 新唐人, 腐败, 退党
via 【禁闻】12月5日退党精选